What Is The Gender of God?

Watch “Putin attacks Church of England for considering gender-neutral God” on YouTube

Male and female He (God) created them.


But He created only the male in His image. Eve was created in the image of Adam.

Why Satan is flooding the world with Trans people?

How much control does Satan have over the human physiology/sexuality?

Does Satan has control over the endocrine glands of humans?

Can Satan create sexual desire in the Christian’s being?

1 Corinthians 7:9 says, “If they can’t control themselves, they should marry (have sex) for it’s better to marry than burn.”

There is a stigma in being a transexual person in backward cultures of the world.

Who will marry a transexual person?

The power of Islam is in its sexual practices. There are descriptions in Koran with vivid sexual scenarios.

When Muhammad was confused as to the being appearing to him is an angel or demon, his wife took off her clothes and exposed her nudity while seating Muhammad on her lap, and now the being disappeared meaning the being is an angel.

Hindu Indians are afraid that their culture is under threat from the Muslim and Christian religious followers.

Love jihad is a reality in India. When the Hindu parents’ Hindu daughter falls in love with a Muslim person, the pain of the parents are untold.

Christianity outrightly says that Islam is an anti-God religion. Islam and its adherents are innately against the Christian than the Hindu or the Jew.

Christianity differs from all other world religions, because no other world religion is tied that way into human history. All other religions: Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Islam are all, in a sense, independent of history.

Muhammad could have had his visions or whatever he had in any cave at any time, anywhere. It wouldn’t have changed the revelation that he got.

Derek Prince – The True Church and the False Church

Islam makes humans forfeit their personal freedom. God, according to Bible, gave personal freedom to mankind. There is freedom in India, USA and Israel. Is there freedom in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria?

Religiosity Doesn’t Mean Morality

According to the Bible Prophecy and Truth website, Islam is predicted in the Bible as the End Time Religion.

Islam – A Curse To Mankind Facebook page

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